Monday, October 19, 2009


Well, here we are again. We had waited three months from the last visit to get an update on my medical condition. On October 15th, I had a ct scan with contrast dye, blood work, and a doctor's appointment. Everything seemed to go smoothly, no allergic reactions, etc. My doctor was out of town, so I saw her PA. My mom came with me, and that eased my stress. I received the normal flu vaccination, and we got the results from the ct scan. The nodules that were once visible in May, were not visible at this time. From my mom and my understanding of what the PA explained, is that all my blood work levels had remained the same as in May, but we could no longer see the nodules on the scan. We are not sure what to make of that. It does not mean they aren't there, they are just playing hide and seek. And, the injections that I am on are controlling my symptoms, so our main goal now is to maintain a comfortable life. It seems to me that we have control of the situation at this time. Other than normal three month checkups, and my injections, there is nothing we need to do at this point. Which is a big sigh of relief. I am tired, but that is my body telling me to slow down. We will continue to keep everyone updated. Thank you for all of your thoughts and prayers!